Uploading Files of Any Size With Plupload

  • Feb 10, 2016
  • Jeff Horne

Speaker:  Jeff Horne
February 10, 2016

Uploading files to your server can be done several ways. Using an HTML form field, you can upload one file at a time. Plupload is a solution that allows for multi-file, drag and drop uploads that is fast and easy to use. This presentation will demonstrate simple integration of Plupload to upload files of sizes from a few MB to a GB.

Jeff Horne

Jeff Horne

Jeff has been working with ColdFusion for about 16 years and CF 4.5. In his free time, he writes and records his own music, is an organizer of G-FEST, the annual convention of all things Japanese Giant Monsters, and is a fan of film and sports.  Jeff is currently a Sr. Application Developer at American Access Casualty Company.