Parsley Form Validation

  • Nov 12, 2014
  • Daniel Garcia

Speaker: Daniel Garcia
November 12, 2014

Parsley bills itself as "the ultimate JavaScript form validation library".  It is open source, utilizes jQuery, and is very easy to use.  Adding validation rules can either be done via the form fields in a way that harkens back to CFFORM validation (in a good way) or it can be unobtrusively added to the page.  It can also take advantage of HTML5 form field attributes.

Although we all do server side validation (or should), Parsley is a way to easily and consistently add client side validation to your web applications.

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Daniel Garcia

Daniel Garcia

Daniel Garcia is the founder and manager of the Chicagoland ColdFusion User Group.  He works for American Access Casualty Company as a Senior Application Developer as well as a part-time freelancer.  Working with ColdFusion since 1999 (CF4), he is passionate about the technology and strives to be a full stack web developer (or as close to one as he can be).

He is a husband, father, wisenheimer, cinefile, regaler of useless knowledge, barbershopper, part time college student (go Hawkeyes!), and has an irreverent sense of humor.  His mantra is "work smarter, not harder" and "KISS (Keep it Simple Stupid)".