Lucee Overview

  • Aug 12, 2015
  • Geoff Bowers

Speaker:  Geoff Bowers
August 12, 2015

With Lucee 5 in Beta, you can already have a glimpse of what we see is the future for CFML and Lucee itself. In this presentation you will learn all news about Lucee 5 and the new features and much more. Also the team behind Lucee will be presented and the work that the Lucee Association in Switzerland is doing.

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Geoff Bowers

Geoff Bowers

Geoff's the CEO and application architect for Daemon Internet Consultants as well as the President of Lucee Association Switzerland. Focused on a pragmatic approach to defining and delivering solutions, Geoff's team is responsible for the web presence of the Australian Olympic Team, UNSWTV media publishing system, NSW Board of Studies, State Super Financial Services, Yaffa Publishing (home of AdNews) and other iconic web applications.